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WoG API Requirements

API Documentation

Well documented APIs are a critical component of a successful API programme. This assists with the interoperability of services through a common descriptive document. Where possible the structure, methods, naming conventions and responses will also be standardised to ensure a common experience for developers accessing services from a range of publishers.

All APIs created for the Australian government MUST specify a valid OpenAPI v2.0 document as it has the widest support. An OpenAPI v3.0 document MAY also be provided to future proof the API.

The API description document is RECOMMENDED to contain the following sections:

API Development

The following guidelines are RECOMMENDED to be followed when developing APIs:


The OpenAPI description files must be available:

File Format

All OpenAPI documents SHOULD be provided in JSON format since it is the most widely supported.


In order to follow the versioning recommendations in this standard there must be one OpenAPI description per major version.

For example; if your API product exposes and maintains 3 major versions of its REST API then you must provide 3 OpenAPI descriptions (one for each version: v1, v2 and v3).

API Developer Experience & Ease of Use

An API that is difficult to use reduces the likelihood that consumers will continue to use it and will therefore seek alternatives. They will also be unlikely to recommend the API to others.

APIs that are being designed are RECOMMENDED to be tested with real consumers. Any feedback provided SHOULD be considered for incorporation into the API to ensure the best possible outcome.

The WoG API Team provides an API review process to ensure APIs meet a baseline level of usability prior to them being published to potential consumers for feedback.

API Stability

APIs MUST be designed with backwards compatibility in mind as when changes are introduced it is not likely that consumers will introduce these into their applications immediately.

In most cases introducing new fields to an API or adding new endpoints is a non-breaking change and can be introduced with a patch version update.

Should the API contract need to change in a manner that breaks the consumers contract this SHOULD be communicated clearly.

  1. API Product owners SHOULD document the support lifespan for API services (e.g. how long they will be supported).
  2. New functionality MUST be introduced in a way that does not impact existing consumers.
  3. Any deprecation activities MUST be known to consumers prior to them being put into effect.

API Design Maturity

When designing a new API, one of the key considerations is the experience of the developer using this API. Developers will have a far better experience if they already understand the core concepts within the API.

The most familiar concept for API developers is the architectural style of RESTful APIs.

In order to assist API designers in ensuring their APIs are designed RESTfully, the Richardson Maturity Model was developed as a tool.

This model breaks down all RESTful APIs into one of 4 different levels based on their use of URIs, HTTP Methods and HATEOAS:

All APIs adhering to this standard MUST be designed to Level 2 of the Richardson Maturity Model.

An API MAY choose to implement Level 3 of the model, however this is not mandatory for this standard.