About API.gov.au
robot connecting cables from big system into clouds illustration API.gov.au is a joint initiative of the Digital Transformation Agency and Australian Taxation Office, to help promote innovation and digital transformation in government.
API.gov.au allows developers and product teams to stand on the shoulders of giants.
It is designed to give technology developers, researchers, and other parties access to a range of APIs (Application Programming Interface) that can be used to access a range of functions from across government.
Here you will be able to discover what APIs are available, how to use them, and understand what data they need.
We are working with all levels of government to collect and document government APIs and other machine-to-machine services in one place.
You will also find the National API Design standards on creating APIs, guidance on how to use API’s and a community discussion forum where you can provide or ask for help.
What is an API?
API stands for Application Programming Interface. An API is a tool that allows developers and product teams to re-use parts of existing systems when designing and building new products.
APIs enable product teams to build services across government that talk to each other and provide access to data or functionality in ways that are secure, and efficient.
Most advanced digital services and networked technologies rely to some extent on APIs.