This is in beta. If you find something wrong, let us know


APIs SHOULD follow a “pagination first” policy.

Pagination is RECOMMENDED to:

  1. serve requests in a timely manner (e.g. < 2s)
  2. ensure the amount of data returned remains within a manageable payload (e.g. < 500kb)
  3. ensure the data in the response is easily manageable to improve the user experience.

Query Parameters

When pagination is implemented, the following query parameters MUST be used:

Query Parameter Description Example
page The page that the user wants to return. page=1 (default: 1)
limit The number of results per page the user wants to return. limit=10 (default: 10)

This creates a URI structure as follows:

Page 1: /customers?page=1&limit=10

Page 2: /customers?page=2&limit=10

Page 50: /customers?page=50&limit=10

This structure is useful as it is easy to understand and can be directly included in a UI.

Common Terms

The following parameters are also common across REST APIs but are not to be used in this specification.

Pagination Response

When pagination is implemented, it is RECOMMENDED for the response body to include _meta and _links fields to provide the client with appropriate information about the result set, and for easy navigation within the collection. The fields can also remove the need for clients to unnecessarily parse query parameters to continue navigating the collection.

An example of this response body is as follows:

  "_meta": {
    "processing_time": "10 milliseconds",
    "processing_time_ms": 10,
    "total_records": 38,
    "page": 3,
    "limit": 10,
    "count": 8
  "_links": [
      "href": "/customers?page=3&limit=10",
      "rel": "self"
      "href": "/customers?page=1&limit=10",
      "rel": "first"
      "href": "/customers?page=5&limit=10",
      "rel": "last"
      "href": "/customers?page=2&limit=10",
      "rel": "prev"
      "href": "/customers?page=4&limit=10",
      "rel": "next"
  "customers": ...

The following is the RECOMMENDED structure of the Metadata object:

    description: Metadata object model
    readOnly: true
    type: object
        type: string
        description: "The processing time for this request in human readable format."
        example: "10 milliseconds"
        type: integer
        description: "The processing time for this request in milliseconds."
        example: 10
        type: integer
        description: "Total number of the results which meets the search criteria regardless of the page and limit."
        example: 38
        type: integer
        description: "The current page for this collection request."
        example: 3
        type: integer
        description: "The number of records per page."
        example: 10
        type: integer
        description: "Number of records in the current page"
        example: 8

Out of Range

If the client requests a page that this out of the valid range for the collection, for example if the valid page range is 1 to 15, but the client requests ?page=0 or ?page=999999, then the response body SHOULD contain an empty collection with HTTP Status code as 200.

An example of the response is as follows:

  "_meta": {
    "processing_time": "10 milliseconds",
    "processing_time_ms": 10,
    "total_records": 38
  "_links": [
      "href": "/customers?page=99999&limit=10",
      "rel": "self"
      "href": "/customers?page=1&limit=10",
      "rel": "first"
      "href": "/customers?page=15&limit=10",
      "rel": "last"
  "customers": []